STP Summary History
This screen shows the history of all the Year End Finalisation, Reset Year End Finalisation, and Amendment Single Touch Payroll Summaries sent to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The Year End Finalisation process generates the STP Summary History records displayed on this screen. The Reset Year End Finalisation process also creates a record on this screen.
- Year End Finalisation has been performed
Rules and Guidelines
STP Summary History record is produced for each run of the Year End/ Reset Year End Finalisation process.
- To view the full details of the Year End STP transactions, you may go to the drill-down window.
On this screen, you can view any Amendment number from the browselist either by double clicking or using the Drill-down option from the Toolbar. This will open the drill-down window which enables you to either Print Preview (print what you see on the drill-down window) or click on the STP Summary button to open STP Summary in a PDF format (plain paper).
For a particular Financial Year, only the most recent record (i.e. the record with the most recent Created Date/Time or highest sequence number) will have the drill-down screen available for editing.
- Note that you cannot edit the most recent record of the current Financial Year until the Year End has been closed.
- If the type of document is a Reset, then the drill-down screen will not be editable even if it is the most recently created record. The Reset Finalisation Summary History record cannot be downloaded via the STP Summary button on the drill-down window.
- Editing a record on the drill-down window is based on your Security Profile and Access Profile. Note that editing does not update the record. On Save, it triggers a new transaction to be sent to the ATO and records it as a new history record.
There is no limit to the number of times you can amend the YTD figures that have been finalised. It is up to the ATO to advise if further information is required.
Field Information

This indicates the type of record if it is generated from Year End Finalisation (Finalised), Reset Year End Finalisation (Reset), or an amendment to a record finalised or reset (Amended).

This is the Financial Year when the transaction was processed.

This indicates the number of changes made to a record.

This is the employee's Transfer Number that is associated with the Employee ID (i.e. an Employee ID may have multiple Transfer Numbers) for uniqueness.

This displays the total amount the employee received for the corresponding Financial Year.

This displays the total tax of the employee for the corresponding Financial Year.

This is the Date and Time when the record is finalised, reset, or amended.
Note: As this field is independent from the Even Creation Date/Time field of the STP Submission screen, the two fields differ in timing. Once an Amended record is generated on this screen, the Created Date/Time is then recorded; while on the STP Submission screen, the Event Creation Date/Time is recorded for the time when it is passed to Gateway.

This is system-generated, which indicates the status of the corresponding record.
Value | Description |
P | Pending - The file containing the employee has been generated or awaiting submission/ download. |
C | Complete - The file has been downloaded or the ATO has responded to the submission. There are no errors for this employee. |
E | Error - The ATO has responded to the submission and errors have been reported for this employee. |
This drill-down window shows the full details of the Year End Finalisation, Reset Year End finalisation, and Amendment Transactions.
For a particular Financial Year, only the most recent record (i.e. the record with the most recent Created Date/Time or highest sequence number) will have the drill-down screen available for editing.
- Note that you cannot edit the most recent record of the current Financial Year until the Year End has been closed.
- If the type of document is a Reset, then the drill-down screen will not be editable even if it is the most recently created record.
- Note also that editing does not update the record. On Save, it triggers a new transaction to be sent to the ATO and records it as a new history record - Amending STP Payment Summaries require an STP Update event to be sent to the ATO to report the new/ revised YTD figures. This Update Event also sends the Finalisation indicator again.
When saving any amendment, a dialog box with a Declaration Message will pop up.
- Clicking the Submit button will create a new record with the new amendment number. This will close the drill-down window and refresh the STP Summary History main screen to display the newly created record.
- Clicking the Cancel button will return the screen to edit mode.

Clicking this button will process the report.
You can Print Preview (print what you see on the drill-down window) or click on the STP Summary button to open the STP Summary in PDF format (plain paper) to view the report.
The Reset Finalisation Summary History record cannot be downloaded via the STP Summary button.

The Amount field for all STP Allow/Deduct Codes are editable (i.e. granted that the record is the most recent Summary of the previous Financial Year).
The Other Allow/Deduct Type is editable only when the STP Allow/Deduct Code is Other.
This browselist only allows the duplicate display for the STP Allow/Deduct Code - Other.

You can only update existing records in this browse-list.